Transformation Change Efforts can be forced upon an organization by pressure from an external environment for example:
- Enhanced levels of effective business planning
- Heighten coaching & mentoring capabilities of internal colleagues
- Better business decision making processes in place
- Effective resolution of internal conflicts
- Improved communications organization-wide
- Enhanced levels of employee motivation, engagement, commitment and morale
- Dealing with organization change more effectively
Or change can be initiated within the organization itself, in order to improve the overall organization’s effectiveness and its ability to achieve its objectives.
Whatever the initial stimulus, organization transformation change, in order to be successful needs a planned and systematic organization-wide approach. This approach needs to be based upon sound knowledge of organizational and management behavior, enriched by practical and applied management skills.
In this article I plan to examine the reasons why so many corporate transformation efforts fail, and to develop some guidelines which may be useful for those about to embark on an organization transformation effort.

I will now examine some of the more common reasons in some detail and. In doing so, I also will hopefully provide some guidelines for successful transformation efforts

Some other areas of organization improvement a consultant can make with his or her competence are in the following:
- Enhanced levels of effective business planning
- Heighten coaching & mentoring capabilities of internal colleagues
- Better business decision making processes in place
- Effective resolution of internal conflicts
- Improved communications organization-wide
- Enhanced levels of employee motivation, engagement, commitment and morale
- Dealing with organization change more effectively
To be and effective advisor to management a consultant must continue to strengthen one’s knowledge areas and helping skills since change in this world is constant and since learning is a lifelong process.